# Why this site? While my coursework sometimes requires me to turn things in using Microsoft Word, it's not what I use most of the time. I am picky about certain things. ## Simplicity First First, I want my information to be simple. Simple file formats (text files). Simple Formatting (# for headers, * * for italics * * * * for bold text _ _ for underline). Simple as can be. I have been using plain text notes as my main note taking schema for almost fifteen years. My oldest note is from 2010! If you can believe it. ## System of Record I do turn this stuff in on Word Documents, but this is my master record. This is important to me because i have lost access to too many things over my career, either by leaving a district or leaving a school. So, my practice now is to keep my stuff in my own format, a format that I know will last. I'm also not very organized so it helps me know where stuff is all the time. ## Toolbelt If I wrote it down, it's in Obsidian, my current toolbelt. And that's really what it is. The toolbelt doesn't help me do better work, but it helps me do faster work and get to the tools I need to do my work quicker. And that's what it is about, doing work. You'll notice this site is incredibly disorganized. That's OK. I have a few things in place to make it work a little better, that I will either write/vlog about, or not. I've used many different tools, but the only time I've really been frustrated with a tool is when the tool moved my notes out of plaintext and put them in some proprietary format that then made me work hard to get those notes out of that system. (I'm looking at you Evernote!) ## Presentations I'm also hoping to share my presentations as well. But I haven't figured out a good way to do that, yet. This site uses Obsidian's Publish feature, but I have already [started another site](https://jethro.site) that might be the real thing I am looking for. Finally, I want this to be a place where I keep my Professional status updated. You can find my [[Curriculum Vitae]] here. Back to [[EdD Home]]